Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Life Can Be Hard, Y'all

I have missed blogging, I even started putting blogs together to auto post, but never finished them or scheduled them. Bummer! Oh well, it happens.

We went camping from the 20th to the 24th of July and that was the highlight of the past 2 weeks. The secondary highlight was having the 20th thru the 29th off. I had grand plans to blog, workout a ton and get some stuff around the house done. You know, doing the things that make me feel good. I will say I did get in some awesome workouts. I started half marathon training again! I love training for 1/2's and the accomplishment that comes along with it.

My weight is maintaining. I go up and down, but I have some new exciting stuff happening in the food/training department. Let's hope it sparks something inside of me. Ha!

In all honesty, I have been really depressed lately. I hate admitting that because I am typically an extremely happy person. However, sometimes I just feel like the earth should open and swallow me whole. I know it won't last too long(at least I hope not!). I just have to keep working through and knocking out obstacles.
I recently decided to completely end a friendship. We had been friends since we were kids and it sucks! It's just not what I want out of a friendship anymore.
When my parent's told me they were getting divorced 3 years ago, I never expected that so many things would change. I didn't live at home, I didn't see them that often, and I was in my "own little world". It is now 3 years later, and I feel more broken than the day they told me. 
Work is stressful, which I am sure 99% of you feel the same way. I still love my job as much as ever, but sometimes the stress really gets to me.

On the flip side, I know I am so blessed! I have the BEST friends, I have a WONDERFUL family, I have LOVING dogs that make me laugh and I get to share my life with the MOST AMAZING/SUPPORTIVE/FUN/INTELLIGENT guy in the world. So, I will focus on that in the bad times!

Sorry to be a downer, I just had to write it out. That made me feel a little better!

Happier posts to come tomorrow :)

I have about a billion blogs to read/comment on in my google reader. I always save them to come back to and it takes me FOREVER to get around to it. Does anyone else do that or is it just me? Ha!

So tell me......

How are you??

What exciting stuff have I missed??

How do you get through the hard times in life??

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Morning Weigh In

Last Week's Weight: 135
This Week's Weight: 134.6(-.4)

Woohoo!! I finally hit my 10 pound goal and I could not be happier about that! I think all around I did really well last week. I ran 2 days, did the stairmaster or elliptical 3 days and got in the weight room 2 times. That is a good amount of activity. I did really well with food for the most part. However, I do know where I need to tighten it up.

I had a 5 mile on the schedule for Saturday and that did not happen.....until Sunday. It took me 56:13. Gosh, I still can't believe I used to do 5 miles in 49 minutes. I hate "starting over", but I did feel stronger on this run than my 4 mile run....mentally and physically.

I hope you are all well!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

This Week's Goals

This week I have a few goals.

1) Get in 3 runs(1 down, 2 to go) including a 5 miler on Saturday.
As I gear up for half marathon training, I want to go in head first with a decent base going. I feel pretty good about my running workouts as of late. 
2) Get in 2 Elliptical workouts.
I love cross training, like love it! I especially love the elliptical. I turn on Netflix and catch up on whatever show I am into at the moment. Before you know it, boom....workout is over and I am covered in sweat. 
3) Weight train at least 3 times.
I really want to work on building all over muscle. When I did LiveFit, I fell in love with weight training. I miss the weight room like WHOA! Tomorrow, I plan to do chest and triceps.
4) Go through my pintrest board and make 1 recipe.
I have a gagillion recipes pinned on my board and I have done nothing. What's the point of having a pinterest board if you don't utilize it, right? 
5) Take our dogs for a walk or some aggressive backyard play time.
They don't get out nearly enough. So, I would like to get them a little more active.

I think that is good for goals this week. I haven't been great with fulfilling goals lately, but will try my darnedest this week to make all of these happen :)

I will boast a little here though. I have successfully drank at least 1 gallon of water a day for the past week. Thanks to the RO/DI water in our basement, it has been surprisingly easy to get the water in. It tastes better than bottled water(to me). I feel so amazing! I thought that would be the goal I sucked at the most. With the exception of 2 flavor packets, it has all been just plain ole water. Woohoo!

Do you make weekly goals? What is one goal you have for yourself right now?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Monday Morning Weigh In

Oh My Gosh!! I have so much to tell y'all. I have a line of posts I need to write, edit or publish. I better get on it.

I am a day late on yesterday's weigh in.

Last Week's Weight: 137.8
This Week's Weight: 135.0(-2.8)

I set daily workout goals last week:
Monday- Fitmixer Boot Camp after work
I did not do this. Bummer!
Tuesday- Run 2-3 miles in the AM, Fitmixer Boot Camp after work
Decided on 3 miles and did myself proud(See blog post from July 3). Again, I did not do the            bootcamp workout.
Wednesday- Elliptical for 45 mins-60 mins in the AM, Boot Camp after work
I hit the elliptical for 45 minutes like I said I would. I had the day off for the 4th of July, but did not make time to do the boot camp workout.
Thursday- Run 2-3 miles(speed work) in the AM, Fitmixer Boot Camp after work
Rest Day!
Friday- Elliptical or Stair Climber for 45 mins-60 in the AM
Rest Day!
Saturday- 3-4 miles with the dog in the AM followed by Fitmixer boot camp right after.
Rest Day!
Sunday-I went out on a 4.5 mile run and it was tough. 90 degrees+minimal shade along the way+wonky stomach=Hot Mess of a Run. However, I did run and for that I am proud!

As you can see, I sucked at meeting the goals. However, I did lose 2.8 pounds and worked out 3 days, which is a lot more than I have in the past few months. I am proud of myself for last week and feel extremely motivated to press on and do better this week. 

I have been having trouble getting out of bed in the morning. So, I will be setting my alarm for 4:15AM. So, I can hit snooze twice and be up at 4:45AM. I have to make the time in the morning to do the fitmixer bootcamp, otherwise they don't get done. 

I have some fun goals this week and will be back to talk about them tomorrow. 


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Today started at 5:02 AM for me. My alarm went off for 17 minutes before I got up to turn it off. Oops! Oh well, I still got up right? As soon as I was up, I changed, got my Fitmixer Amino's ready, and hopped in the car to go to the gym. The plan was a 2-3 mile run.

Usually when I say 2-3 miles, I make it 2. Today, it was different. I knew I wanted to run 3 miles. I have 2 half marathons coming up in October and I would love to PR in at least 1, if not both. So, I have to start getting used to the distances again. This morning, I ran 3.01 miles in 31:12. Not bad for me. I did stop to walk 2 times for a minute or so. I am really proud of myself for pushing my mind & body to get to the 3 mile mark. I haven't ran that far in forever.

While getting ready for work this morning I just kept thinking, 'Why do you constantly sabotage yourself? The only person getting in your way is you!' It is so true. I am the one who decides to sleep in, lay around on weekends/after work, and hit snooze on my alarm clock. Why do I do this to myself? I don't know, but you bet your ass I am going to find out and break that habit! That stops now!! I have been within 10 pounds of my "what I think I could maintain" goal weight. Then, I gained 20 pounds. I love working out and eating healthy as a lifestyle, much more than I love this extra 20 pounds ;)

I am off work tomorrow. Yay! It will consist of a morning workout(elliptical and fitmixer) followed by a trip to Nordstrom Rack and a lunch/movie date with my main squeeze.

How do you sabotage yourself? 

Any fun plans for the 4th?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday Morning Weigh In

2 Weeks Ago:        138.0 lbs
Today's Weight:      137.8 lbs

With how poorly I have been doing with nutrition, I will take a less .2 lbs. I haven't been tracking like I should. When I lost all of my weight in 2009-2010, I did it by counting calories and running. I know how to do this. I have done this. Sometimes, I just let myself get lazy.

Workouts last week were much better. I should blog them everyday, because I can't remember what days I did what. I know Monday-Friday I ran 2 times, did the elliptical 2 times and did 2 fitmixer bootcamp workouts. On Saturday, I woke up to my little lady, Abigail, scratching around under our bed at 6:45AM. So, I laid in bed and read my Google reader until my alarm went off at 7:00AM. Then, it was time to run. I got myself ready. Got the boy dog all harnessed up and ready to go. We started off just running to run. I had my Garmin, but no time or distance really set in my mind. We ended up at 2.5 miles which worked for me. I was hot, sweaty and felt like I got a good workout. That's what I went for, and that's what I achieved.

 This is an old picture, but this is exactly how he looked after our Saturday morning run!

I need to play catch up on the boot camp workouts and I am working on it. I just need to make more time to get them in. I will probably run, do the elliptical, or stair climber in the mornings and the boot camp workouts after work. I always just put off the after work workouts. I have figured out that I am going to do them while dinner is baking. Generally, our dinner is ready in 30 minutes or less. The fitmixer boot camp workouts are about 30 minutes long, so it works well. I just have to do them!!

This week's workouts will look a little something like this:
Monday- Fitmixer Boot Camp after work
Tuesday- Run 2-3 miles in the AM, Fitmixer Boot Camp after work
Wednesday- Elliptical for 45 mins-60 mins in the AM, Boot Camp after work
Thursday- Run 2-3 miles(speed work) in the AM, Fitmixer Boot Camp after work
Friday- Elliptical or Stair Climber for 45 mins-60 in the AM
Saturday- 3-4 miles with the dog in the AM followed by Fitmixer Boot Camp right after

I typed it. Now, I must do it to check back with you next Monday, right? Right!

I am trying to get my running legs back and I know it will take some time. I have 2 half marathons 2 weeks apart that I plan to do in October, so official training for that starts in 2 weeks. So, I have to get some good distance runs in the books :)

I hope you all have a fabulous week!!!

I do have a fun post coming on the Utah Blogger Meet-up from Saturday.

Here's a hint: I came home giddy, excited and inspired!

How was your weekend?