Starts today! Woohoo! I am so excited to be starting week 3 of the LiveFit Trainer today. I am still on track with the workouts and loving it so far. I have been so sore the last 12 out of 14 days.
The LiveFit workouts are so great. I love lifting weights and my body feels so much stronger already. I did a quick measure this morning and I am happy to report in my "trouble zone" I have already lost an inch! Woohoo!
Food lately has been much better. However, I really need to start setting alarms for my meal times. I barely get 3 meals (on workout days I drink a smoothie, as well) in in a day. If I had that reminder, I am sure I could eat some more.
Today is my meal prep/grocery shop day. I can't wait to get some more clean eats. Last week, I bought 6 assorted bell peppers, 3 lbs of asparagus, a huge bag of spinach from Costco, and some summer squash. Oh my gosh, I was in heaven. I cut up all of my veggies on Sunday. I would pull them out and roast them for eggs, salads, and/or as a side. I loooooved every meal I ate last week :)
Now Onto................
MY 11
The rules:
1. Post these rules.
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post.
After this one, I am breaking all the rules and not tagging anyone else. Shameful, I know.
So here we go ….
11 Random Things About Me
1. Growing up, I always wanted to be a singer/actress/dancer. You know, the whole triple threat thing. Just a few days ago, we had a singing/dancing party in our kitchen. By we, I mean my dogs and myself. Everyone wants to be me, now. Am I right? Haha.
2. I fell off of my friend's bike when I was a kid and the metal handlebar went through my lip. I had plastic surgery and was told not to smile for a few weeks. 1. I was five and 2. I never stopped smiling. I have a scar on my lip to this day.
3. I met David Blaine in September.
Older Brother, Myself, David Blaine, Little Brother, and Mom
4. My Love and I have been together for almost 5 years.We met on True Story!
5. Growing up, I never had a dog. Now, I have 2 and I could not imagine my life without them!
Abigail, she is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Lenny, he is a border collie/blue heeler mix
6. I am from Utah and I am NOT LDS(or "Mormon"). I get asked that ALL. THE. TIME.
7. I danced the half time of a 49ers vs. Seahawks game when I was 12.
8. FRIENDS is my favorite TV show and ALWAYS will be. All 10 seasons were in my car when it was stolen. I replaced it for cheaper than I bought the originals for. Chad HATES FRIENDS and refuses to watch an episode.
9. I am not afraid of spiders, but snakes FREAK ME OUT! Yuck!!
10.I have had a total of 4 pet rabbits. Jasmine, Barry Bonds(Older Brother's choice), Snowball and Midnight. I want another one, but that idea was shot down!
11. I do laundry every Sunday. If I forget to put away a basket of clean clothes for a couple of days, I rewash them. I have no idea why I do this.
11 Questions For me to Answer from Annie
1. What made you want to get healthy?
Chad and I were on a hike in 2009. Less than a 1/4 mile into it, we had to turn around because I could not catch my breath. I realized at that moment....I didn't want to be that person. I wanted to be healthy and strong.
2. Cardio or weight-training
I am loving this weight training, but really, I do enjoy both.
3. What has been your biggest NSV (non-scale victory) to date?
Running my first half marathon!
4. What do you love most about your body?
I love that my body always surprises me.
5. Why (to question #4)?
Because, every time I think I can't take anymore, my body keeps going.
6. Who has been your biggest supporter through this journey?
Chad. Hands down! He pushes me, tells me I can when I think I can't, and he is always there for me, even in the hard times.
7. In the next 6 months, what is the biggest goal you're working towards?
I am excited to finish LiveFit and train for another half marathon!
8. What is the one thing you won't give up as you lost weight?
I refuse to give up desserts. Moderation is key!
9. Most motivational quote or person?
10. What is your favorite non-healthy food?
I loooove Arby's Beef N Cheddar sandwiches.
11. What is you favorite healthy food?
I love a good salad. Made with Chicken, lots of veggies, spinach, quinoa, and some peach n mango salsa!
I hope you are all having a fantastic weekend!